Historic Oprah Winfrey interview reveals uncomfortable truths

Many of us in the UK who watched the historic Meghan and Harry interview with host Oprah Winfrey would have had a good idea of what was coming after it had first aired on American television and began to dominate the headlines.

Yet, this does not mean the interview did not stir emotions when it came to watching this much-anticipated conversation. My personal feelings are ambivalent. On the one hand, I sympathise with some of what they have been through as a young couple, particularly the discrimination Meghan has faced.

But at the same, the devil on my shoulder is telling me the interview does them little favours, aired at a time when many people are in far more precarious and distressing circumstances as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Does a family dispute warrant such publicity or was the interview a microcosm of the problems which we faces as a society, particularly in terms of attitudes to race and mental health?

The interview comes at a time when job security has plummeted across the UK, with plenty worrying about how they will simply provide for their families at this unprecedented time. Figures from the Office for National Statistics reveal that in January 2021, 726,000 fewer people living in the UK were in payrolled employment compared with February 2020 before the full effects of the pandemic came into force.

Many will outright dismiss any feeling of sympathies for what are essentially a very privileged couple. The idea of inheriting a lucrative job as Harry did is far removed from those wondering how they will be able to financially survive the pandemic. The fact is Harry and Meghan had the choice to live independently and remain very comfortable having done so.

To even have the choice to turn their back on a royal institution dating back more than a thousand years ago is a privilege in itself, and is exactly why some feel the interview is out of touch from reality for the majority of us watching on. I will later come on to why there is a major reason why the interview should resonate with all of us however.

The interview shined a light on the intense scrutiny and negative press which Meghan received from the tabloids from day one. The race element is shocking and certainly jumped out of the conversation, particularly the claims an unnamed royal had highlighted the skin colour of their baby.

It is clear the way Meghan has been treated by the tabloids is appalling and it is undoubtedly a messy situation which has left the Palace, or the so-called Firm, in a difficult situation, delineated by the statement issued on behalf of the Queen which refused to go into the nitty gritty details at the heart of the matter.

Despite the shocking exploitation of Meghan by the tabloids for commercial profit, my ambivalence again stems from the fact Meghan undertook so little research into what she was stepping into.

Even if she had not researched the intricacies of royal protocol such as curtsying to the Queen, surely she should have had some indication she was stepping into a role where media scrutiny and the glare of the public would have been so intense?

The very nature of being connected to the royal family means every misstep will be pounced upon. It did not take much research to be aware of what had happened to Harry’s mother when the couple first started to become more serious about spending their lives with one another.

Comparatively, famous musicians or sporting icons have to adjust to a lifestyle where they have to make sacrifices as a result of their talent or brand appeal. Such people can also struggle with the constant spotlight which hangs over them every time they step foot in public.

British rapper AJ Tracey recently told Radio 1 DJ Annie Mac his new track called Anxious was written in response to how he can sometimes feel overcome by the constant expectation to take photos or to speak to his fans when going about his daily life.

It is not just the royal family members who can feel trapped in their lifestyle. The very nature of being a celebrity figure means you are going to have to accept constant attention which can restrict what you wish to do.

Nevertheless, Meghan and Harry should be respected for making their own decision based on what they feel is right for their well-being, just as AJ Tracey will not let his fame-induced anxiety stop him producing more albums and music.

Despite my ambivalence over whether to feel sympathy or not, the crux of the matter is that Meghan and Harry should be applauded for shining a light on mental health and being open about having suicidal thoughts. No matter who you are, mental struggles can suddenly overwhelm you.

Whether you agree with the decision to take part in a television interview or not, it cannot be denied that Meghan and Harry have paved the way forward in terms of showing how being open about mental health is a common goal which should not be frowned upon in society.

There should be no ambivalence or dispute over that concept, and if nothing else good is to come from the whole saga, there is at least one desired legacy as a result of the interview.

Picture credit: Wikimedia

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